v20230609 / 6/9/2023

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Copyright © Snoqualmie Valley Rifle Club  |  All Rights Reserved

Copyright © Snoqualmie Valley Rifle Club  |  All Rights Reserved

1.     Safety equipment

1.1.        Eye and ear protection are required for all persons in the shooting area while the range is hot.

2.     Identification

2.1.        Members are required to wear and display their membership badges so that their name is clearly visible whenever they are on SVRC property.

3.     Hours of operation

3.1.        SVRC is open 7:00 am to 9:00 pm Monday through Friday and 9:00 am to 9:00 pm Saturday and Sunday and holidays.

4.     Prohibited activities and items.

4.1.        Smoking or vaping are not allowed on SVRC property.

4.2.        It is forbidden to cross the firing line while the range is hot.

4.3.        Shooters may not handle any loaded firearm outside anywhere on range other than at the firing line when the range is hot.

4.4.        .50 BMG, tracer, incendiary rounds, armor piercing rounds, steel core rounds, and exploding targets are prohibited due to the damage to targets and potential fire hazard.

4.5.        The consumption of alcohol / drugs is prohibited on SVRC property. People under the influence of alcohol / drugs are not allowed on SVRC property.

5.     Opening and closing the range.

5.1.        The gate and rifle line safety shed door are required to always be open when the range is in use.

5.2.        The last person to leave is required to turn off all lights, lock the rifle line safety shed and lock the gate behind them.  NEVER leave the range unlocked and unattended.

5.3.        Do not share the gate/shed combination with any non-member.

5.4.        If the locks become hard to operate notify a board member, do not apply your own lubricant or cleaner.

6.     Ceasefires

6.1.   Terminology – “Cease-fire is in progress”; this is also referred to as a Cold Range.  “Hot Range” is when shooting is in progress (no cease-fire).

6.2.        There is no set timing for the length or frequency of ceasefires; they are called on an as needed basis and with the consensus of shooters present.

6.3.        The range buzzers and flashing lights are required to be active during the duration of cease fires, regardless of how many people are on range.

6.4.        The pistol range can go cold while the rifle range stays hot; the pistol range is not required to coordinate cease fires with the rifle range.

6.5.        The rifle range cannot go cold without the pistol range also going cold; the rifle range is required to coordinate cease fires with the pistol range.

6.6.        No handling of firearms anywhere on SVRC property during cease fire, even in the parking lot.

6.7.        Long guns may not be brought from vehicles to the firing line when the range is cold.  Long guns may only be handled when the range is hot. When bringing a rifle or shotgun to the firing area your Rifle(s) or Shotgun(s) should preferably be in a case.  If the firearm is not cased, the firearm must either have a trigger lock or have a chamber flag in place until it can safely be racked or placed on a shooting bench.

6.8.        All firearms on the line are required to be unloaded prior to ceasefire, below are the detailed conditions per firearm type.

6.8.1.      Handguns       Single action revolver - chambers empty and loading gate open and in its case.       Double action revolver - chambers empty and action open in its case.       Single shot – chamber empty, action open in its case.       Semi-automatic – magazine removed, chamber empty, and action locked or blocked open and in its case.

6.8.2.      Long guns (rifles and shotguns)       Semi-auto and racked or cased unless in a benchrest (led sled). Benchrest and racked rifles require the use of chamber flags in the open action.       Bolt action – chamber empty, all cartridges removed, bolt open, , and racked or cased unless in a benchrest (led sled). Benchrest and racked rifles require the use of chamber flags in the open action.       Pump action - chamber empty, all cartridges removed, magazine removed (if it is removable), action open and racked, or cased.       Break action (single or multi-barrel) – chamber(s) empty, action open and racked, or cased.

6.8.3.      Black Powder       Percussion – cap removed, firearm racked, cased, or in charging stand.       Flintlock – no powder in pan, firearm racked, cased, or in charging stand.       Inline – cap or primer removed, firearm racked, cased, or in charging stand.

7.     Emergency ceasefires

7.1.            If you observe anything that you believe puts the safe operation of the range at risk, you should not hesitate to call an emergency ceasefire.

7.1.1.     Start by yelling “STOP” or “CEASEFIRE”, while clearing your firearm.

7.1.2.     Then move to engage the flashing light and buzzers as quickly as possible.

8.     Pistol range


8.2.        Only handguns up to the power of a .44 magnum, .22 or smaller rimfire rifles and archery are allowed on the pistol range.

8.3.        Rifle Caliber Pistols & Pistol Caliber Carbines are not allowed on the pistol range.

9.     Rifle range

9.1.        Rifles, pistols, and shotguns are allowed on the rifle range.

9.2.        Trap shooting is allowed on the rifle range, but only at the far three right shooting stalls.  All shot, pigeons, wadding, shot cups, etc. are required travel directly down the rifle range and not fall on the pistol range or adjacent woods or waterways.

10. Special event bays

10.1.    The bays running along the side of the rifle range are to be used for special events /disciplines only; they are not to be used during regular open operation of the range.

11. Open / concealed carry

11.1.    Open and concealed carry are permitted.

11.2.    Carry firearms can always remain loaded and holstered and on your person, including during a cease fire, but as with all other firearms are not to be handled during a cease fire.

11.3.    Open and concealed carry rules can be superseded by some event rules.  ASI would be an example.

12. Drawing and Presenting

12.1.    Drawing from a holster is allowed if all other safety rules are adhered to.

12.2.    Do not draw and present from a holster in any way that would result in the muzzle being pointed at the firing line, at other people, or behind the shooter.  This includes but is not limited to any kind of cross draw such as shoulder draw or small of back draw as examples.

12.3.    It is advisable to notify members in the vicinity if you are drawing and presenting as a safety precaution.

13. Use of NFA items

13.1.    The use of suppressors, full-auto firearms, and short barreled shotguns/rifles or other NFA items is permitted only as allowed by state and federal law.

14. Rate of fire and magazine capacity

14.1.    There is no limitation on magazine capacity or how many rounds can be loaded into magazines.

14.2.    There is no limitation on rate of fire, the only requirement is that all rounds are delivered down range in a controlled manner and impact a berm.

15. Garbage

15.1.    Shooters are required to take all trash with them.  There are no garbage services at SVRC, and no burning is allowed.

16. Target Stands

16.1.    SVRC no longer provides target stands for shooters.  Examples of member made target stands can be found on the web site, and there are a variety of commercially made target stands available for purchase.

16.2.    No target stands made of steel or metal construction are allowed for use at SVRC. Metal bases no higher than 6” are allowed. No deliberate shooting of metal bases. It is permissible to use small screws and nails to hold wooden stands together.

17. Targets

17.1.    Targets may only be placed, retrieved, or adjusted during cease fire – do not cross the firing line when the range is hot.

17.2.    Targets and target stands are to be aligned in a manner that your bullet goes directly down range and into a berm for the range you are shooting on.

17.3.    No targets or stands made of steel are allowed, with the only exception being the steel gongs provided by the range.

17.4.    No targets that disintegrate or leave behind trash are allowed; this includes food items which would attract wildlife. 

17.5.    Glass, rocks, steel and other shattering or ricochet causing targets are strictly prohibited.

17.6.    Printed targets that might be considered racially, religiously, or politically inflammatory are prohibited.  This includes left over political advertisements from political campaigns (they may be used as backers, but not as targets).  Pictures or photographs of people are prohibited as targets.

17.7.    Biodegradable clay pigeons, soft foam or polymer self-healing targets, and plastic bottles are allowed.

18. Trespassers

18.1.    Non-members who access/utilize the range without a member acting as their host, and members who have failed to renew their membership are trespassers.

18.2.    Take their vehicle license number and report it to the SVRC telephone number (206) 222-SVRC (7872). Include a complete description of the vehicle, shooters, and their actions.

19. Wildlife

19.1.    While many in the club are avid hunters, the intentional killing of ay animals on the range is strictly forbidden. 

19.2.    If a member intentionally kills an animal, the club can and will seek sanctions, up to and including permanent expulsion and criminal prosecution.

20. Pets

20.1.    Pets are allowed in the parking lot while the range is hot and can accompany their owner downrange while the range is cold.

20.2.    Any messes or damage caused by pets are to be cleaned up by their owner prior to leaving the range.

21. Guests

21.1.    Members can bring guests in accordance with the current guest policy. (posted on home page)

21.2.    The member must be able to control all his/her guests and be in direct supervision of them at their shooting position.  The member is responsible for all actions of his or her guest(s).  If a guest violates SVRC rules, regulations or policies, the member will be held accountable.

21.3.    One shooting position is allowed per member and their guests.

22. Emergencies and injuries

22.1.    In case of emergency there are certain steps which need to be followed in a specific order:

22.2.    Call an emergency ceasefire on both ranges.

22.3.    Call 911 and get emergency services dispatched.  There is a landline in the target shed for calling emergency services; the address for the range is posted next to the phone.

22.4.    If somebody is present who can provide medical assistance have them do so until emergency services arrive and take over.

22.5.    Additional steps can be taken if enough members are present to take on these duties:

22.5.1.  Using the shed phone and posted contact list start calling range officers and board members until you have confirmed at least one person can immediately come to the range. Do not simply leave a voicemail, keep calling until you confirm somebody is on the way.

22.5.2.  Have one or two members go to the main gate and control access to the range. Only emergency services, law enforcement and SVRC officers or board members should be admitted access to the range.  Be prepared to give an assessment to personnel regarding the situation.

22.5.3.  Once law enforcement and emergency services arrive, they are in control of the range, do as they direct.  Only once emergency services have confirmed the situation is handled, and have left the property, can the range be opened back up for use.

22.6.    There is a first aid kit in the rifle line safety shed. If you use anything from the kit be sure to securely close it when done, if left open there is chance of rodent contamination and the supplies will have to be recycled. If you notice the kit is missing or low on stock of a critical item, please notify range officers or board members.

22.7.    A trauma kit is in the rifle line safety shed, the use of this is reserved for trained medical personnel.

23. Safety violations

23.1.    If you see a simple safety violation like lack of eye/ear protection, please contact the shooter and notify them of the issue.

23.2.    If you notice a dangerous safety violation and feel comfortable approaching the shooter, please let them know about the issue and if needed direct them to club rules. In the case you are not comfortable approaching the shooter about issue please look to get the shooters name and license plate number, and then provide that information to the club officers and board members.

23.3.    If you feel threatened by the actions of another person on range, pack up and leave. If possible, get the name and license plate number of the shooter and provide that to club officers and board members.

24. Modification of Safety Rules

24.1.    During disciplines or special events, the range is controlled by the event/discipline Range Safety Officer(s) or SVRC Range Safety Officers.  They will use their national governing organization’s safety rules or other SVRC modified and approved safety rules.  If participating in the event, or if they allow you to use the range outside of their event, you will need to follow their directions.


SVRC and NRA Safety Rules

1.  ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
2.  ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
3.  ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
4.  Know your target and what is beyond

When using your gun:

·      Know how to operate and use the gun safely.

·      Use only the correct ammunition for your gun.

·      Be sure the gun is safe to operate.



​​​​Range and Safety Rules!!