Copyright © Snoqualmie Valley Rifle Club | All Rights Reserved
To all SVRC Members,
During the COVID-19 pandemic closure, the Board of Directors undertook updating our range and making some improvements. This included improving access to the range (ADA compliant benches and parking), safety improvements, stabilizing the pistol range structure, action bay clean up, road maintenance, yardage sign replacements, replacing dry rot and painting the entire facility. We also had our lease holder out for a site visit to approve our work plan and renew our lease.
Below is a link to a article about the renovations written by one of our members:
More great press about SVRC.
The Range is OPEN!
The range is open! If you have the flexibility, please consider shooting during the week as the weekends are extremely busy now that the weather is starting to cool down. Your cooperation is highly appreciated!
If you still feel unsafe because of the on-going Covid-19 variants, please feel free to wear a mask at our facility.
Weekday Openings
ATTENTION: When power is out at the range, we cannot operate. If you are at the range and power goes out, please notify a board member. If you arrive at the range and it's closed for a power outage, but the power comes back on, also, please notify a board member. Board member phone numbers are listed by the phone in the shed.
**MEMBERS** - Please be cognizant of those you see on the range. Check for badges. Keep an eye out for non-members who are illegally trespassing and shooting. These people do not know the rules and are an EXTREME RISK to us all! Please report anyone you see without a badge to a board member immediately. We continue to have incidents of non-members showing up expecting to use our facility.
We have recently discovered empty beer cans (not targets) and cigarette butts on the range. Remember, alcohol at the range is strictly prohibited. Anyone found consuming alcohol on the range is subject to disciplinary action, including expulsion. SVRC is also a non-smoking range. Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the range, including in vehicles, including vaping. Smoking is only allowed outside the range gate, on the corner out at 202. Again, disciplinary action may include expulsion.
There is no garbage service at the range. Please do not leave garbage at the RSO shed. Take home everything you bring, including brass. Please leave the range cleaner than when you arrived!
When removing rocks from the berms, please do not throw them out onto the range. Place them behind the berm and let them roll to the bottom of the berm.
Someone has been vandalizing the ceasefire alarms at the range. These alarms are specifically set up to promote safety and alert other members that the range is cold. These should be loud enough to hear in the entire parking area and at least halfway down-range. Any vandalism to them is a direct impact on other paying members' safety. Anyone found vandalizing these alarms or committing any other acts of vandalism at the range will lose their membership.
There are some holes in the steel at 200 yards that was most likely caused by the use of ammo we do not allow. Please abide by the range rules concerning allowed ammo. If you see something, say something.
Copyright © 2020 Snoqualmie Valley Rifle Club, All rights reserved.