Copyright © Snoqualmie Valley Rifle Club | All Rights Reserved
We would love to help you get your lost or misplaced stuff back. Submit your lost or found document to the webmaster. Postings will be in Word or PDF format, so send the Webmaster that if you can. You are responsible for the content of your post. Postings must be from SVRC Members and on their own behalf, for items lost or found at the range. Postings will be dated and remain on the website for one month, then removed. Please provide contact information useful for the reuniting of the lost or found item, and consider providing an email address and phone number. Contact information you provide is up to you. The webmaster reserves the right to not post materials deemed to be inappropriate for this category, or inappropriate in content or language. This is not a buy/sell/ or swap site. Please do not send photos.
Nothing in the lost and found for 2023...yet
If you've found any of the above items, please email